Sunday, October 10, 2010

Change or Destruction of Plans... As you prefer...

Like I said before, I will explain with details how I ended up here starting with the immigration decision. It wasn’t something all of the sudden like you are thinking but on the contrary. I planned everything about my immigration. The problem is that I planned to immigrate to CANADA not to Europe… Damn it!

The trip to Canada was almost right. The only thing remaining was money for this investment but we can always figure out something, right? On the beginning of 2006 I convinced two friends, one that I have known since my childhood and the other one I met while playing Lineage II. Yeah, I know, I have all kind of friends. So, the names of those guys are: LightJedi and Wolfen.

As we lived in Salvador, LightJedi and I went for lots of speeches about immigration to Quebec. We analyzed the way of life, how much we needed, started learning French, looking for jobs in Quebec City, specially on UbiSoft, and the objective of this trip was easy: Earn money. We also checked some other countries for immigration and investigated some other possibilities and embassies and everything, but Canada was the closest destination.

Don’t come crying saying that your immigration objectives are cultural. Come on, it just doesn’t exist. The guy goes to pick up some women or goes for money, and by the way those things are related. After all, why would you get out of your home warmth to face some crazy adventures. “Ohh Belino, but I love  adventures”. The difference is that you can lose years of your precious life without an objective, end up in a hellish third class job washing the floor of a bakery and go back to Brazil saying: “Yeah, I lived in another country”. It’s completely different from the adventure that you do during the weekend and go back home full of stories to tell.

Ours should’ve been well planned, and it was. Everything was going really well, I’ve always been good in planning after all. My problem was always to execute the plans (I guess lots of people know that, hehe). With the plan going well, 2009 would be the moving out year, maximum 2010, nothing more than that. I’d got a bit better job, where I could work and study, and started saving some money for the trip, what is really difficult in Salvador. The minimum estimative was 11 thousand dollars. It was important to start with some extra money inside the wallet, without that crazy stress of having to work on any kind of crap job. That was our target.

As life isn’t like just pretty flower, on the beginning of 2008 Mr. Belino here talking, stupid, crazy dude, naïve, was owning a friend a ride and couldn’t ran away from that. I had to take that damn chick to the forró, and worse, go and stay there till the end to take her back home. I have one think to confess. Every single time I said I didn’t have money to go out, was a lie. But come on, it was for a good cause, wasn’t it? But back to the story, this friend, Galatea, forced me to go to this party. That’s ok, the chick was really hot but I knew I had no chance with her. This was just waste of money and gas. By the end I asked my cousin to go with me so I wouldn’t be there as a hot chick babysitter, that would be really shameful for me.

We got into the car and drove to the city center to meet Galatea and her friend, after that we went to meet another group that was having a beer close to the damn forró party. The ticket to get in cost 10 dollars. I remember the amount till today because it hurt a lot to take out of my pocket. The party was related to a small city of the state of Bahia and people from there go to Salvador to study in the universities. So the students decided to organize themselves a party. Summarizing: CRAP PARTY!

I was really angry with that situation. I was just thinking about going home and sleep. Didn’t even bother to pick up some girl there, the reason? Lots of ugly women! It was for crying. Of course there were some that worth and even some hot, but if you’ve been in Salvador, at least once then you know that there are some parties that should be avoided. And this one was to be avoided.

Within the mess and the anger that I felt for owning a ride (come on, does it really exist?) I found a crazy guy that studied with me in the university, Nazinho. He was a bit lost on that “Halloween party” saying that he was with some cousins or something like that. I didn’t give much attention and wasn’t interested in that story, everything I wanted was to go home and that was urgent because I just couldn’t handle the suffering anymore.

While Nazinho was telling his news (not to say gossip hehe) and we had some beers, three chicks passed next to us… a fat one really ugly, the other one tall and skinny like a fishing rod and the third one as white as Mika Häkkinen from Formula 1. So my words were: “Dear Lord, this one is as white as Häkkinen, I even feel pity for her”.

I also didn’t understand my comparison. Maybe the guy was the Pole Position on Saturday’s Qualifying and that was in my subconscious, who knows. The only thing I remember is that those three strange chicks stopped close to us.

- Hey, what are you waiting Belino, go there man, pick up that chick. – said Nazinho.

- Oh man, I am really pissed and I just want to go home. Don’t even wanna think about girls today. – I answered without enthusiasm.

- O my God, now he became gay suddenly. I will have to talk to your father to take you out of the  testament. You are not from this family any longer. Go there man and go home with at least one. It’s better than nothing. Hahaha.– that’s what my cousin said trying to give me some courage and enthusiasm.

- Yeah man, you are the only here that speak English, go there and give some honor to this group. – Nazinho was putting more pressure on the situation.

Friends are just to put in trouble. I told them that I wasn’t going, that I was pissed with that party and what did they do? They pushed me! Son of a %#@#$. I had to talk to her anyway. OK, maybe the party got a bit better after that, but I still was wondering when would I GO back home.
In the end I didn’t pick up Mika. The thing was difficult and I really tried. But her words were:

- In my country we just kiss after 3 dates.

You must be kidding me! So I asked where she was from and had an answer that didn’t match with what she said: “I am from Czech Republic, Prague”.

- HAHAHAHA Sorry Czech girls, but this is a joke, right? You people have the craziest libido of whole Europe, it is a joke for sure! – of course I didn’t say it, I just thought.

We agreed to have another date and finally a kiss happened, bla bla bla bla. I won’t tell details about my sexual life, the important thing is that in the end this woman became my fiancée. And guess what happened to my plans to go to Canada… KAPUT, destroyed, devastated, detonated, broken, or any other adjective you can find. It’s true when people say, about women of course, that they are the only ones who can destroy a man’s plan… THAT’S CRAZY DUDE!

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