Monday, October 18, 2010

Terror in Prague

The beer was cold. The only problem of the pub was the bad smell of cigarettes. In some European countries it’s still not prohibited to smoke in closed areas, so even though being upstairs where were less people, the smell was terrible. Besides that, while I went to take one more beer I noticed something. The pub just had old people and seemed like an elder’s place. One, two, three four, five beers and the girls noticed the same.

- Oh my God, there are just old people here. Not even a hot guy for us to look at. – Star said disappointed.

- You girls were the ones who decided to come to such place. – her sister complained.

- Let’s finish this round and then we can buy some alcohol and go to the hostel. There is a small store of a Chinese lady that sells it. I think it closes early, it better hurry. – suggested one of the girls.

We didn’t take the metro, we went on foot to the main square and it was much faster. I don’t know if it was the beer effect, good beer by the way, but it was really, really faster. We went through some narrow streets and suddenly we were at the main square.

- I don’t know why we took the metro, we could have walked there easily. – Star’s sister was still complaining.

She was right, not because of the price, but she suggested us to go on foot. A ticket for 75min for metro and urban trains in Prague costs 1,10 Euros and the one for half an hour 0,80 Euros. So are you still complaining that the public transport in your city is expensive? It’s better to continue complaining because there the public transport is really good.

After some more complaining of Star’s sister we went to the Chinese store. It was close to the girls’ hostel. We bought some bottles that I don’t even remember properly now… wine, vodka, tequila, God knows what more. The strange fact of buying there was that the lady, that seemed to be the owner of the place, put one of her daughters outside in the cold to protect the entrance and other one close to us. I think she was wondering if we would steal something, and put the small Chinese girl to look at our face. But come on, even though we decided to steal something, what could three tiny Chinese girls do to stop us? Maybe they knew kung-fu… who knows.

We took the alcohol to the hostel. We stayed there in a room drinking when suddenly a bunch of English guys appeared drunk saying crap things.

- They were trying to pick us up. – one of the girls said in Portuguese.

- Ah, if that blond one wasn’t so idiot I guess I would make up with him. – Star’s words.

And we continued drinking. It was almost midnight and I needed to go back home. The girls were planning to go to a club to dance and get crazy. I wasn’t in the mood, besides, I was a bit drunk. They also talked about the New Year’s Eve in Duplex, 90 Euros for the entrance (or even more, I don’t really remember) and nothing included. They were going anyway. I had money to go, and the my German friends had bought the tickets for me, but unfortunately I had other plans. I didn’t want to spend that much in just one night. If the entrance was 90 Euros, imagine the price of a beer inside there. Haha.

I said good bye to the girls and went out of the hostel completely dizzy. The alcohol had done some damage. I didn’t understand why I was so weak for drinking. Was that the lack of beans? I had no idea. But the way I was I decided not to go home walking. It could take long and I also could get lost. It was better to take a bus, just two stops and I would be safe home.

So I went to the bus stop and got into the right bus. After sometime we started moving………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

These small spots represents something really nice on this bus trip. My sleep! The idiot slept in the bus and stopped really really far! What the heck! I was really angry with myself. I woke up desperate and got out of the bus twelve stops after the one I should had left. I was doomed. I didn’t know where the hell I was. What to do? There was no phone. There was no one. Just some buildings organized as a block of flats like the ones we can find in São Paulo. The worse thing was that I had no idea where to go. I was completely doomed.

I started walking in that cold night in Prague. The alcohol effect was gone. It is really impressive what happen when we are desperate. The neighborhood was a bit strange and dark. There was no noise, just the cold wind blowing in my ears. It seemed that I was lucky because it stopped raining. I head the other way the bus went and looked for a bus stop to have my way back home. I walked for ten minutes till I found one. The board said I had to wait 35min to the next one so I decided to wait.

I stayed under the roof of the bus stop to protect me from the cold wind. Everything was really calm, too calm. The cold was terrible and I felt the tension on my skin. While I was walking I wasn’t feeling that cold, the body was warm and the alcohol helped a bit, but when I was stopped it was terrible. I heard some steps far away. Someone was getting close and walking really quickly. Suddenly there were no more steps and I heard a scream.

Oh no! Come on! I think that if I wasn’t a bit drunk I would poop myself straight away. It was a really loud woman’s scream. I put my face outside the tent carefully. God knows what was happening. After some time I heard lots of loud laughs and the woman swearing someone in Czech. Seemed like a bunch of bastards were making their moves. They started yelling and speaking loud with the woman. So I thought to myself:

- Are they rapists? Small nigga, it’s better for you to run away because if those guys appear here you would be screwed. Better run, you don’t know if they are racists… If they catch you, you’re doomed.

That’s what I did. I ran... I ran more than the roadrunner, more than Jerry running away from Tom, more than Usain Bolt, more than anything you can imagine right now. I could still hear the guys yelling with someone, maybe the girl who screamed. This thing of being a hero wasn’t for me. I watched lots of horror movies and I know that the one who helps, always end up dead. I just didn’t want to go back home in a shoe box. 

I ran a lot and without direction. I didn’t know where I was. The only think I knew was that I was running the other way the bus went. I turned left, went straight, turned right, went up the hill and continued going desperate. I think the amount I ran I could easily win the Berlin Marathon or even the New York one. You might be thinking I am a chicken, but put yourself in my position. The situation was like a horror movie.

After forty-five minutes of running I found my way back home. I opened the door sweating like crazy and throw myself into bed just waking up the next day. 

BR Na Europa


  1. what an adventures u have hehhe

  2. my faourite sentence: "I ran more than the roadrunner, more the Jerry running away from Tom, more than Usain Bolt, more than anything you can imagine right now"


  3. @ola fear dude, fear... hhuahuaeheuah

    @Ewa u know how crazy were things...
