The second day was really quiet. I went shopping, had lunch (Italian food this time hehe) and went out to take a look at the city again. I didn’t spend too much time out because I needed to meet the girls with whom I arranged the meeting the day before.
They left another message on Orkut with time and place of the meeting. I had to go to the main square and meet them at 8pm. There were 5 girls and the name of one was Star, the other four names doesn’t matter. I knew Star from long time ago. She was travelling with her sister and the others that were as crazy as her. They also wanted to spend the New Year’s Eve in Prague and after that they would go to Berlin. That night they wanted to see the National Theater in Prague, a place I passed before but didn’t give much attention.
We took the metro and took the directions to the theater before we had some glasses of the wonderful Czech beer. One of the girls had a touristic map, better of course than mine from McDonald’s, and guided us to the place. We got out of the metro in the right station and head to the theater.
It was really cold, more than usual. We needed to find that damn theater because I was freezing. It was raining a bit to make everything worse. At least it wasn’t that far away from the metro station, ten minutes walk and we found it and got in the place.
There were two old men and a young guy using some kind of costume. They were workers and were there to help with directions and to check tickets. We had information that there was some ballet. One of the girls, who was a dancer, was almost crying because she really wanted to see the presentation.
- Sir, how do we do to get in? How much does it cost? – the girl that had the map asked in English.
The old man nod his head and pointed to the young guy. He didn’t speak English at all.
- Sir, what can we do to get in? How much does it cost? – she asked again in English but this time to the young man that worked there.
- No English. – that’s what he answered.
Everything was already a mess. The girls wanted to get in but no one understood English. The few words I learned in Czech wouldn’t help at all. The girls insisted till they got tired, they showed money, they were on their knees begging the guy, pointed to the doors inside the theater and nothing seemed to help. The guy just couldn’t understand them.
I noticed that the guy was looking to one of the girls with sparks, maybe he never saw some Brazilian girl, who knows. He made a signal for us to wait and went to speak with the two elders. We were whispering with each other and already thinking about giving up. With no communication it was impossible. It was easier to sell a carrot to a monkey convincing it to be a rabbit than that.
We were preparing to leave when the guy came back saying:
- I help.
No one understood what he meant, but he repeated once more and made some sign for us to follow him. That was when we started going up guided by that man. The girls were laughing loud and saying: “Would he be some kind of rapist? If he is, we can leave Belino behind and run away”. What a friendship... I was there trying to help and they say something like that.
- Hey girls, I think he will let us inside for free. If it’s like that I will give him a kiss. – one of the girls said.
That was what was happening. We went up five floors, I don’t remember that well. There was a hall with a place where we could leave our coats, for free hehe. The man asked us to stay quiet while getting in. It wasn’t ballet, but opera. The place was really dark because and act had just finished. We found places and sat separetly. The theater was amazing like the ones we can just see in the old movies. The paintings, the details in gold, the stage, the acoustic… everything was perfect. The opera was boring and I slept a bit.
When the opera finished we had another dilemma. One of the girls lost the number to take back her coat. How to face that cold without a coat? I wouldn’t give mine at all, for me she could live there in the theater till summer. Haha. We started trying to find the damn number and the result… we found nothing. A couple noticed that we were looking for the damn coat hanger number because they were also looking for theirs. As you see, just smart people hehe. But we were lucky, the girl from the couple found our number and give it back to us, so we took it and went out of the theater.
We went out of there really happy by not paying the 500 crowns (20 Euros) for the entrance (we saw the price later) and to be able to see such a wonderful place. The National Theater in Prague really worth seeing. After we got out of the building it was time for some fun. We crossed the street because we saw a pub. It was PIWO TIME! And this way, the interesting end of night was about to start…
To be continued...
BR Na Europa!
yaaaay! PIWO TIME :D